Where Is Your Faith? - Luke 8

Where Is Your Faith?

Luke 8:1-56

On a certain day Jesus got into a boat with His disciples and said, "Let us cross over to the other side of the lake."  The weather was cooperative when they launched out, and the still waters were ideal for this outing.  They undoubtedly thought that this would be a wonderful day of rest and relaxation.

Once underway Jesus went to the stern of the boat and fell asleep.  How peaceful!

But suddenly a storm arose, and the fierce winds howled, causing the waves to sweep over the bow.  The boat began to fill with water.  Realizing that their lives were in danger, they tried desperately to bale the ever-rising tide of water out of the boat.  The storm was relentless, and the disciples were losing the battle.

Where was Jesus while all this was happening?  He was sound asleep, still resting peacefully.  Frantic disciples went to Him and awoke Him, saying, "Master, Master, we are perishing." 

"Then He arose, and rebuked the wind and the raging of the water.  And they ceased, and there was a calm."  The Lord stilled the storm.  They were now safe.

Jesus asked His disciples the stirring question, "Where is your faith?"  They didn't answer.  Instead "they were afraid and marveled."  What a combination...fear and amazement!  There was an awesome awareness of the supernatural presence of the Almighty on that boat.  Speaking among themselves, they said, "Who can this be?  For He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey Him."

Obviously there are many lessons to be learned from this experience.  Jesus is the great Teacher.  He even teaches us, when it appears that He is asleep and uncaring.  There are times when we feel alone with our problems and trials.  It seems that God is somewhere else.  But we need to realize that He is in the boat with us.

Everyone experiences unexpected storms of life.  They may come in different ways.  James would tell us, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials."  James 1:2.  Christians are not strangers to hard, difficult times.  The rain does fall on the just and the unjust.

Where is your faith?  When Jesus asked that question, He was saying, "Trust Me.  Have faith in Me.  I am with you.  I do care about you, regardless how the storms of life may come your way."


Lord, we bow in awe of You.  We believe that You are indeed the Lord of heaven and earth, the Master of the winds and the waves.  Thank you for your continuous presence in our lives.  We pray in Jesus' name.  Amen!


Putting Jesus First - Luke 9